We connect people to nature. We are a chapter of the National Audubon Society based in southwestern Westchester County, NY. We offer guided field trips; nature walks; feeder and hawk watches, educational programs. At Lenoir Nature Preserve, Yonkers, we have a Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden.
We are an all-volunteer organization. All our activities are free, thanks to volunteers and supporters. You can help us by donating via PayPal.
march / april happenings
FeederWatches on Sat, April 5 from 10 AM to noon and Sun, April 6 from 2-4 PM; Sat, April 19 from 10 AM to noon and Sun, April 20 from 2-4 PM (Easter). We sit inside the cozy Lenoir Nature Center to observe & count birds at the feeders. Join this citizen science project for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. More…
Wednesday, March 26 at 7 PM Birding the Rio Grande Valley Presented by Michael Bochnik, in person, at the Lenoir Nature Center, 19 Dudley St, Yonkers. He will talk about the birds, butterflies and more, found at the border of Texas and Mexico. More…
Wednesday, April 23 at 7 PM Ed Lam, author and illustrator of The Dragonflies of North America, will talk about these insects whose beauty and complexity rivals those of butterflies. In person at the Lenoir Nature Center, 19 Dudley St, Yonkers. More…
Saturday, April 26 at 8 AM Early Spring Arrivals at Central Park Meet at West 77th Street and Central Park West. We will walk the Ramble, looking for early warbler arrivals.
Sunday, April 27 at 9:30 AM Nature Walk at Lenoir Preserve. Warmer weather will have brought many changes in the flora and fauna. Meet at the Nature Center. Email Debbi Dolan if you’re coming. More…
Start planning for the Bird-A-Thon and spring migration We’ve planned a field trip May 1 to 4 to the Delmarva Peninsula. This is a popular spot during spring migration. Take a look at the itinerary; consider making hotel reservations now if you plan to go. Hotels fill up early. Our Bird-A-Thon will be May 17. All are welcome to participate. Learn about it here. If you want to organize a team, start planning now.
Photo: Northern Parula by Darla J Oathout, Audubon Photography Awards