Nature Walks
Join our upcoming walk on Sunday, April 27 at 9:30 AM. We will meet at the Lenoir Nature Preserve Center, see below. Debbi Dolan, our conservation chair, leads the walk. We’ll be looking for the changes that warmer weather brings: trees blooming with flowers and leafing out; the arrival of early migrants; spring ephemerals; perhaps butterflies, too. Email Debbi to let her know you are coming. She will contact you should bad weather cancel the walk.
Debbi’s report on March 16 walk:
Although it was foggy we managed to see or hear 21 bird species.
Signs of spring: emergent pussy willows, red maple flower buds, and the Song Sparrows on repeat! Juncos are still around, and chickadees, House Finches and a Tufted Titmouse enjoyed the feeder bounty. Corvids were represented by the Blue Jays, Fish Crows, American Crows and the Common Raven.
Hope to see you on our next walk, April 27. Spring will be officially upon us! — Debbi Dolan
FYI: The walks are on level paved pathways, except for the Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden. A slightly inclined stairway leads to the garden, and the paths within are covered with wood chips. You can leave the walk before we enter the Copper Beech Trail, which leads through a wooded area, on a dirt path, with some rocks and roots to watch out for, and small inclines and descents. The walks are one and a half hours long and cover about a mile. Binoculars needed for optimum experience; loaners are available if you let Debbi know beforehand. Parking available; port-a-potties by Nature Center.
Where the Nature Walks meet