Birding the Rio Grande Valley
Michael Bochnik
Wednesday, March 26 at 7 PM (in person)
Lenoir Nature Center, 19 Dudley St, Yonkers
Green Jay, a Rio Grande species. Photo: Lillian Beasley, Audubon Photography Awards
The Rio Grande Valley, at the border of Texas and Mexico, features some of the most unique and exciting birding in the United States. Thanks to National Wildlife Refuges and outstanding state parks, it’s one of the easiest places to bird on your own or with a group of birding friends. Michael will take you on a tour of the biggest hotspots featuring amazing birds and other wildlife. The Rio Grande Valley has more than 50 native birds found nowhere else in the United States. Its where east and west coast birds meet and where our own birds mix with Mexican species.
Some of the species discussed will be the misleading named Plain Chachalaca (it isn’t plain), the amazing colorful Green Jay. More of the cast of colorful characters: Great Kiskadees, Green Kingfishers, Buff-bellied Hummingbirds, Altamira and Audubon’s Orioles.
You’ll hear about the butterflies to be found at the National Butterfly Center as well as south Texan reptiles and mammals.
Refreshments will be served at 7 PM; talk begins at 7:30 PM
The Dragonflies of North America
A Presentation by Ed Lam,
Author and Illustrator
Wednesday, April 23, 7 PM (in person)
Lenoir Nature Center, 19 Dudley St, Yonkers
There are over 300 species of dragonflies in North America and they are richly diverse. Many are intricately patterned, brightly colored, and large, making them eye-catching and conspicuous. Despite being familiar to almost everyone, only recently have there been field guides available to help identify them.
Published in the fall, Dragonflies of North America, is the latest and most comprehensive identification guide to these charismatic insects. The heart of the book are its illustrations, presenting intimate portraits of every species with nearly 1900 detailed paintings and drawings. Ed Lam will discuss the long journey making the guide, and introduce the audience to a variety of dragonflies, their life stories, and how to identify them.
Ed Lam is a Westchester resident, author and illustrator. He teaches art to children at the Schoolhouse Studio. His previous book was Damselflies of the Northeast, a guide to the species of eastern Canada and the northeastern United States.
7 PM refreshments; 7:30 talk