field trips

Download Field Trip Schedule (PDF).

Some general information about our trips:

Everyone is welcome to join our field trips, no matter what your level of birding ability; field trips are free and open to members and non-members alike. Reminders for getting the most out of a trip. Bring binoculars! Bring lunch and refreshments for all day trips. Dress for the weather.

Michael Bochnik leads field trips.

Saturday, April 26 at 8 AM Early Spring Arrivals at Central Park Meet at West 77th Street and Central Park West. We will walk the Ramble, looking for early warbler arrivals.

Thursday May 1 through Sunday May 4: A Field Trip to the Delmarva Peninsula. A four-day trip to see Black-necked Stilts, Brown-headed Nuthatches, Prothonotary and Yellow-throated Warblers, White Ibis and Chincoteague ponies. You are responsible for making hotel reservations; we advise to make them as soon as possible, Delmarva is a popular destination during spring migration. Download the trip itinerary with hotel and restaurant suggestions or scroll down. Let Michael Bochnik, trip leader, know you are coming.

Saturday, May 10 at 7 AM Hillside Woods and Its New Deer Exclosure Meet at the tennis court parking lot at the end of Chemka Pool Road, Hastings-on-Hudson. We’ll look for spring migrants, both in and out of the deer exclosure. We’ll note the difference in habitat where deer can’t graze the understory.

Sunday, May 11 at 9 AM Mother’s Day Warbler Walk Meet at the Lenoir Nature Center, 19 Dudley Street, Yonkers. Our annual bird walk in celebration of Mother’s Day.

Saturday, May 17 HRAS Bird-A-Thon Teams set out to see as manty bird species as possible to raise money for the chapter (rain date May 18). More on the Bird-A-Ton

Saturday, June 21 at 6:30 AM Nickerson Beach, 880 Lido Blvd, Lido Beach, NY (.7 miles west of the Loop Parkway at Jones Beach). There is a large, protected, fenced-off nest site here. We will look for Piping Plovers, American Oystercatchers and Black Skimmers.

Delmarva Itinerary

May 1, Thursday: travel on your own to Smyrna, Delaware. Stay at the Quality Inn, 190 Stadium St, Smyrna, DE 19977 (one night). Breakfast at Dunkin Donuts, 150 Stadium St, Smyrna, DE 19977 or nearby Smyrna Diner, 99 S Cory Ln, Smyrna, DE 19977 or Waffle House, 37 S Cory Ln, Smyrna, DE 19977 (open 24 hours)

Friday, May 2

7 AM Meet at the visitors’ entrance of Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, 2501-2599 Refuge Entrance Rd, Smyrna, DE 19977
Lunch: Smyrna Diner, 99 S Cory Ln, Smyrna, DE 19977
Afternoon: take Route One two exits to Exit 98. Meet at Port Mahon Road and Route 9.
Travel on your own to Chincoteague Island, Virginia. Stay for two nights at Best Western Chincoteague Island, 7105 Maddox Blvd, Chincoteague, VA 23336 or at the Refuge Inn, 7058 Maddox Blvd., Chincoteague, VA, 23336

Saturday, May 3

6 AM meet before breakfast at the boardwalk bridge in Chincoteague, a spur off Pine Drive where it takes a sharp turn to the east. We will check out the marsh.
8 AM meet at the visitors’ center of Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, the Herbert H. Bateman Educational and Administrative Center, 8231 Beach Rd, Chincoteague, VA 23336. We will walk the Marsh Trail.
Next, meet at Toms Cove Visitor Center, 8586 Beach Road, Chincoteague, VA 23336 in the Chincoteague NWR.
We will lunch at Don's Seafood Restaurant, 4113 Main St #2411, Chincoteague, VA 23336, then we’ll drive the Wildlife Loop in the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge
Dinner TBD

Sunday, May 4

7 AM meet at the visitors’ entrance at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, 8231 Beach Rd, Chincoteague, VA 23336. We will walk the Marsh Trail and the Woodland Trail (2.3 miles).

Check out of your hotel.